
Maritime Security Awareness

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South Carolina
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New Hampshire

Course Details

Course Overview

Before being assigned to shipboard duties, all persons employed or engaged on a seagoing ship that is required to comply with the provisions of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, other than passengers, will need to take a USCG approved Maritime Security Awareness Course.

Sea School’s Coast Guard approved four (4) hour Maritime Security Awareness course is intended to provide the knowledge required for all personnel who are not assigned specific duties with a security plan, but are involved in the work of ports, facilities and vessels and are therefore subject to the security awareness training requirements of the ISPS.

This course will not provide any training to fight or similarly respond to security threats. Students will be able to identify, deter or mitigate such actions through proper planning, preparation and coordination with various entities.

Also See Maritime Security Awareness with Security Duties Course

Course Schedule

This is a 4-hour course. Please refer to the online schedule for dates and locations to suit your needs.

Office Locations

This course is taught at several different campuses including:

  • Bayou La Batre, AL
  • Ft. Lauderdale, FL
  • Jacksonville, FL
  • St. Petersburg, FL
  • Charleston, SC