
OUPV – Captain’s License – Distance Learning

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South Carolina
New Hampshire

Course Details

Course Overview
  • The U.S. Coast Guard calls this license Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels (OUPV). The rest of the world refers to it as the “6-PACK” License. The word “uninspected” is a technical term meaning that the equipment required, and the design of the boat, are less regulated. “6-PACK” refers to the 6 passenger limitation placed on the boat, and additionally, on the license.The OUPV (Captain’s License) license comes in 3 versions: Inland, Great Lakes and Near Coastal.The Near Coastal version enables one to travel up to 100 miles offshore of the United States, it’s territories, Great Lakes and inland waters.

    Inland waters means lakes, bays, rivers, sounds, etc., of the U.S.

    All OUPV licenses are for vessels less than 100 Gross Registered Tons.

    Throughout the days of class instruction you will learn practical aspects of boating, including Rules of the Road, Radio Operation, Survival Techniques, Distress Signaling, Boating Terminology, Boat Equipment, Use of Flares, Use of Life Jackets, Techniques of Seamanship, Anchoring, Aids to Navigation, Boat Registration, Navigation, Knot Tying, Firefighting and more.

    After completing the course, students take Sea School’s exam. Our test is based on the course material and you should be ready to test after reviewing the material.